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Test Your Knowledge about I2C/SPI LCD Interface

1/12/2015 10:17:14 AM Comments Hits Category:LCD Knowledge

Did you attempt to manage the I2C/SPI LCD interface in the recent past? If not, then you may need to test this out by your self. 

It's a day of reckoning to you, as today you're going to create an I2C LCD interface, which its permit you to unite a LCD to a microcontroller with just two basic wires. 

You will think its a helpful apparatus, on the off chance that you like more sticks to be accessible for an alternate utilization, which a typical LCD interfacerequires at least six pins or you might want to make a control panel. 

Essentially with this I2c/SPI LCD interface you can just utilize two wires from your microcontroller and use up to seven I2C LCD interfaces on the same I2C  bus. Moreover, you likewise can be effortlessly wire a five button input pad, illustration like a control panel and free up your serial port for other utilization with this I2C/SPI LCD Interface! 

The extraordinary thing about the I2C/SPI LCD interface is it can be utilized with the Basic Stamp, any Arduino, Microchip PIC or some other microcontroller, which has been inherent or a bit banged I2C interface!

--TEKSWO Display (Chimei Innolux TFT LCD Display Distributor)